“Hourglass is an installation that measures time by visualizing the passing of time itself.”
While the first version of Hourglass captured the elegant changing of the seasons in a one minute time lapse, this new version in the van Overloop park in Amsterdam is all about the changing of light and shadows during 24 hours.
In these modern times people rely on the ticking of their clocks and easily forget that nature shows the passing of time just as accurately by the position of light and shadows.
Hourglass brings these two ways of measuring time together in this Hourglass that ticks with each daily sun cycle.
With time lapse specialist Bas Stoffelsen from Time:Writers, I was able to reposition two of these condensed pieces of time at the exact spots in the park where they were taken from, at both sides of this double sided version of Hourglass.
It creates the hallucinating image that a part of the park is moving in a different time frame than the surrounding area, as if you are looking through a hole in space and time.